this is an old dude with cats for a beard. if you do a google image search for cat beard, you'll see a hilarious trend of people photographing themselves with their cats' noses and mouths covering their human noses and mouths. internet is weird.
and so is this digital painting on which i was asked to base my painting. i tried reverse image searching to find it's origin but failed. there's a name, "TAKU", in the bottom corner. the best i could find were more pictures in the same style and a couple of other people also curious about the image's origin and failing to find an answer. i fancy myself a darn good searcher so i'm pretty confident that the answer isn't findable online. either that or TAKU is the worst search engine optimizer on the planet.

you are so untalented you should just stick to sucking black cock, that is all you are good for. I hope you fall and break your leg at the penguins game.
The artist is known as Matataku (Taku). He/She is Japanese and has a blog http://matataku.blog.shinobi.jp/ please do not pay any attention to people acting tough on the internet. Keep drawing and improving, in the end all that matters is that you like doing it :D.
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