this is a weeping angel from dr. who. they are creatures that turn to stone as a defense mechanism when someone looks at them. and they can't look at each other or they'll be turned to stone forever. and they can travel through time. and they're unnaturally strong. and they can move incredibly fast when not being looked at. and if you take a picture of one, that picture will eventually become a weeping angel. and if you look at them, you create a mental image which allows you to be mentally influenced by them until the image becomes fully grown, at which point it escapes from your body, killing you in the process.
i emailed this girl to tell her that her picture was done and she did not respond. ugh. portraits are the worst kind of painting to not have an owner. if she would have just requested "an animal" or "generic cute thing" or "relatable animated character" or "well known product logo", i would be much happier.
this is a kodama from the movie Princess Mononoke. according to japanese folklore, kodamas are spirits that live in trees. i believe the american equivalent is a Keebler Elf.
there's something about musical instruments that makes great pop art. maybe it's because of the acronym for philharmonic orchestra/philharmonic symphony.
i held off posting this one for a few days so it could show up today! it's not really irish but it's vaguely shamrock-y with the luck thing. i should have put it on a green background.
poor red pandas. they are less known and have to have a modifier. besides, who wants to say "black and white pandas"? what if a black and white panda and a red panda are having a conversation about a sad subject? then they're both blue pandas.
i didn't post yesterday because it was the yearly day drinking event. you must know by now that i can't be interrupted by the internet on such an important day.
technically this is impossible. that star is in the center of the moon. the moon would have to be transparent or actually shaped in a crescent. or i guess the star could be in front. this could be a picture of the other side of the moon looking back towards the earth from outer space where there's a star between you and the moon. but the star would then be bigger than the moon.
this is based on a picture from the band Sunn O))). that name is pronounced "sun". the O and parenthesis are like a drawing. it's a circle with sound waves coming out that's based on the logo used by Sunn amplifiers. yep, a band with ASCII art in their name.
we are still at negative one goat. i've done two anti-goat paintings and only one pro-goat painting. actually, i can't even say this is a pro-goat painting. its more like an objective goat painting. maybe it would be if i made it all shepard fairey and put "GOAT" under him in all caps, gotham ultra.
this is the second frontosa request i've gotten. i've officially painted more frontosas than i've seen in real life. actually, that was the case with the first one.
great scott! this is my favorite movie. as soon as not charging for my art makes me filthy rich (note to self: figure out how that's gonna work), i'm buying a DeLorean.
the requester asked for something with a bridge in it. i could have painted a guitar or a violin. or some fake teeth. or the oscar winner for best actor in 2010. or the area of a ship from which it is commanded. or a gymnast doing a back bend. or some grannies playing cards.
the newest Google phone, the Nexus S, was shipped with three of my songs on it! Radiation by Spagnola, Radiation Orchestration and Robots for Everyone were all used as default ringtones. you get get more info on my music site and watch the music video for Robots for Everyone below.
there are some weird things about Robots for Everyone being a ringtone. for one, there are vocals which is not typical. the other weird thing would be the fact that the first line i sing is the lyric, "nuts and bolts", referencing robot mechanical parts. but there is a pause between "nuts...and bolts". a pause just long enough for you to answer your cell phone. so basically it is a ringtone with one lyric. and that lyric is me singing the word "nuts". but i am certainly not complaining. i'm quite thrilled to sing "nuts" over and over again on countless Google phones.
Radiation by Spagnola was featured on the Droid and Nexus one (as i wrote about before). it uses cell phone interference to create the rhythm in the song. Radiation Orchestration is a development of that where i warped the cell phone interference sound to create the whole track. you can listen to all the tones (and download a free one!) on my music site. you can also buy Radiation on iTunes: