here is what the requester asked of me:
something related to "Seriously Irreverent".... am hoping to be able to launch this soon... so an awesome logo/painting would be epic....
hoping to "launch this soon"? what is "this"? ok whatever. i responded:
so you just want a "logo" for the phrase "seriously irreverent"?
and he said:
Yeah something logo-y ... Thank ya much...
so i painted this seriously irreverent face dude guy face. and when i sent the requester a picture of the finished painting he said:
Haha!.... So not what I was expecting, but I absolutely love it!
what?! so then what were you expecting? because i certainly had no clue. i don't know why i feel like i should have given him what he was expecting. looking back on this conversation just now, there was no way for me to know what that was. i'm just glad he still liked it.
but in all the confusion of figuring out what he wanted and wondering what his "this" is, i failed to let him know that my paintings are very different from logos. an artist retains the right to reproduce images of their work even if someone else owns the original piece. so that means if he wants to use a picture of this painting as a logo, on a t-shirt, or even just put up a picture online, he should pay me for the reproduction rights. (lots of my requesters don't understand that.) not that i really care unless his "this" gets super popular and lucrative. i have a feeling this guy would be seriously irreverent about copyright laws anyway. hah.