i thought i was doing better with remembering weekend posts because i got an iphone. yes, i have an iphone. my brother gave it to me for christmas and i totally didn't want it. now i totally wish i could marry it. but anyways, it was reminding me to post on the weekend and that was great. but if i don't remember to tell it to tell me to remember to post, then it doesnt remind me. hence i missed sunday. i'm ok with forgetting though because the following two paintings go nicely together in one post and allows me to write about a requesting trend.
a common occurence is the two animals request. people in relationships use animals to represent their personalities and then ask me to paint these two animals together. i'm fine with this type of request as long as the requester isn't thinking he or she is clever and innovative for coming up with this idea. based on all the people that have also come up with it, it is not fresh and original. as long as i tell myself the requester knows their idea is just another repeat of something that everybody thinks of then i am not irritated :)
though some how my irritation may have come out in this bear and rabbit painting. i found it humorous to present a more realistic representation of the two animals together instead of painting them the same size and holding hands because it seems absurd that these animals could be in any relationship other that one that is categorized as predator-prey. i hope the requester doesnt mind :) actually, i just hope the requster is still dating her animal boyfriend. that's another issue with these two animal requests! i don't get to the painting until a long time after it was requested and i have no idea if the couple will still be together.
so i got another two animals request but this time it was for a giant squid attacking a sperm whale. i doubt it's actually a representation of a relationship but i'd like to think it is. that would be something fresh. statistically, i should be doing more divorce paintings anyway! then again it took me so long to get to the painting, maybe the squid and whale worked things out and they're back married again.

'till death do us part.

maybe the bear is the girl and the bunny is the guy.