Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Power Hour Album Review
The Bluesbunny - Independent Music Reviews picked up my album and wrote about it on their site. yay! i got four carrots. i'm quite excited. read it here.

not free paintings
Comedy and Drama

happy halloween! how appropriate that i post some masks. the requester said she liked theater so i came up with this.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Drizzle Can

an artist from montana wanted to trade work with me. a lot of his paintings are just like jackson pollock with spatters he applies with a piece of scrap wood. so i painted his tools.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Compact Fluorescent

these bulbs aren't as amazing as advertized. it takes more energy to make them than regular bulbs and its costs way too much to recycle them. they have mercury in them and when lots of them start getting thrown out, there's going to be a huge stockpile of toxic waste. they're still better than incandescent bulbs but they're not as perfect a lot of energy conscious people are saying. i should have painted it a little more scary or foreboding looking.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Bear Cub

a younger version of my first bear. his claws aren't as threatening.

and since we're on the subject of bears, i thought i'd add these pages from my character design portfolio.

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Paintings Trade Page
i added a new section to my free paintings website where you can see what i've received in return for my free paintings. people want to trade with me all the time. i'm hoping for a yacht or mansion offer soon.

Friday, October 26, 2007
Free of Style
i've posted late a few times recently because i've been working a lot on another project. i'm in a dance group called 5LMT [www.5lmt.com] and we've been putting together a two day dance convention. it's called Free of Style [www.freeofstyle.com].

i did the web design for the project and i wrote all the music that everyone will be dancing to at the event. the 15 hip-hop/dance tracks are going to be my third album titled "Free of Style".

i'm really excited that a lot of famous choreographers will be teaching to my music. and its going to be at pittsburgh's giant convention center. i can't describe all the details of the event quickly and chances are you ended up at my blog reading this because you like art or freeloading. but if i've got some readers out there that are dancers or might be interested, go check out the site. oh yeah and the design i made for my album cover is also a t-shirt that we'll have at the event.

i did the web design for the project and i wrote all the music that everyone will be dancing to at the event. the 15 hip-hop/dance tracks are going to be my third album titled "Free of Style".

i'm really excited that a lot of famous choreographers will be teaching to my music. and its going to be at pittsburgh's giant convention center. i can't describe all the details of the event quickly and chances are you ended up at my blog reading this because you like art or freeloading. but if i've got some readers out there that are dancers or might be interested, go check out the site. oh yeah and the design i made for my album cover is also a t-shirt that we'll have at the event.

not free paintings
Thursday, October 25, 2007
FREE WILLY!!!.....i mean....PAINTING!

this is the second best piece of artwork inspired by an orca whale. the first was the song "Will You Be There" by Michael Jackson from the movie "Free Willy".
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Fish in a Blender

someone wanted a fish in a blender like the one i painted for a gallery. i guess i'm not the only one with this sense of humor.....er....doom.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Snail with Cartoons on TV
darn i've been slow to post lately. its only appropriate that my tardy painting is a snail.

this one was supposed to be a tv with any cartoon on it. i went with tom and jerry cause they're classic.

i love the colors on this guy.

this one was supposed to be a tv with any cartoon on it. i went with tom and jerry cause they're classic.

i love the colors on this guy.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007

i'm over an hour late posting this so its on the wrong day. i guess sunday gets to feel special with two posts. speaking of two paintings, this giraffe would fit better if it was on two canvases hung one above the other. maybe if i get another giraffe request, i'll make it a diptych.
Friday, October 19, 2007

this guy is a little different than i usually paint turtles. i think the skinny legs and neck give him personality.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Martini then Chicken
i thought i posted yesterday's. clearly i hadn't.

i painted an egg a few months ago:

it has been decided what came first.
now on to the one i forgot yesterday......

this is my second martini painting. i like how the vodka refracts the light and makes the toothpick look broken.

i painted an egg a few months ago:

it has been decided what came first.
now on to the one i forgot yesterday......

this is my second martini painting. i like how the vodka refracts the light and makes the toothpick look broken.
Sunday, October 14, 2007

i like how the blue background on this one looks like waves in water. though i guess the fishing pole wouldnt be under water. maybe the fish yanked the pole from the fisheman to save its own life.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Elephant with Flower

this reminds me of horton hears a who. a 3-d animated movie based on that story is coming out soon. it looks amazing.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sugar Glider

the guy that asked for this saw that i specialized in cute things and asked himself, "what is the cutest thing ever?" he came up with sugar gliders and requested one. i heard they make great/illegal pets. he's right. they are really darn friggin' cute.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Toy Fox Terrier

the guy that requested this wanted to give the painting to his wife for her birthday. i think i may not have finished on time cause that was six months ago.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

the person that requested this painting only said that they liked technology. this is what i came up with. when i hold it i feel like i'm the size of a mouse.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Robot In Underbritches

ahahahahah!! yep, this was a request. it reminds me of quailman from the cartoon "doug". he was a superhero that wore his underwear on the outside.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Jerk Penguin

this is the third penguin i've done. i tried to change it up and gave him characteristics of african penguins. african penguins are also known as jackass penguins. maybe the species has a tendency towards being jerks.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Mama and Baby

i've heard that koala's are cute but not very friendly. i'm too lazy to back that up with wikipedia.
Friday, October 5, 2007
A Thrilled Bunny

this bunny is very different from the first bunny i did a long time ago. the pink was a part of the request.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Praying Birds

this bird is praying and flying at the same time. its an inside joke that was not explained to me. the person that requested this wanted two similar ones. i usually only do one even though lots of people ask for more but she wrote an article for me that got published.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Roll Bot

many people ask for the orange robot i did in the first set of 30 paintings for a gallery. i dont have it anymore. and i wouldn't have it 10 times over because so many people requested it. i used to paint very similar ones when people asked for him specifically but i got bored with that. now i usually change the look of the robot and the background color and hope the requester still likes it.
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