Looks like Ali & Sarah went at it yesterday at the dykes in the park festival and was a rough night I bet all that clam bumping on labor day but no babies for them two lezzys
Hahaha with all that crossfit and running and kick boxing that tiny penis she's growing between her legs will be ready in no time!according to Tyler Stafford at The Omlett.He saw alot in Cancun and took video of her naked.
Yesterday was National Coming Out Day so why didn't Ali come out of the closet? Answer,she'd lose all that Youtube cash,Patreon dough & PayPal money only her little lezbo scum admirers including the fat & ugly Megan Kimball and that pancake face ugly limey British scum Whitney will still be giving her money.Ali can't use the Steven Max Weisz fake relationship thing anymore Cuz he is boning Britney Marsisik so it was all a publicity stunt to blow the fact off Ali is a dyke.Fuck you Ali.
Oh yeah must be something to these stories as Ali is in San Fran-dykes-co with that other lesbian Stevie Boebi.Have you noticed they dont snap much Im sure there was clam bumping galore since they've been there & sleeping in the same bed.Come on Miss Spagnola stop with the bullshit & tell everyone who & what you are.
Zero fucks given to you & the delusions of grandeur you have about red carpets and fake Hollywood life style.You sleep in a bunk bed in a crappy apartment and if you are soooo financially well off how come your own mother supports you on Patreon as a high donor that barely handles the monthly bills?.If you hate your fans so much disappear from social media as apparently you don't give a fuck about what they have to say to you .
You are such a joke really? You need an "assistant"??? Is that the little lesbian butch named Anne that now controls your Free Paintings twitter account or is it a bot that forwards all your Instagram posts?.Youve changed and you suck & I hope you die in a plane crash or get hit on your bike one of these nights by an illegal alien from mexico.
Ali doesnt even read this shit anymore. she is so insulated from the real world that she doesnt even merit mentioning. all she does is live off handouts while eating as much pussy as she can. and she never shaves her clammy smelly urine filled pussy either.
I guess shes drunk texting everyone or atleast telling people on twitter i wonder why shes not snapping like she normally does? Maybe she doesn't want any of us to see who shes with probably at The Abby again shes bisexual you know and she has aids or hiv pos.from what ive heard
You want to know whats a real joke is that Sears appliance salesman from Leesburg Florida Steven P.Signorelli has a Twitter handle @officialsmmc and is harassing Ali.Hes pushing his Amazon book Social Media Murder Corp and theres a link on the header.Report that account to Twitter.
Hi Steve ya fat inverted penis loser works at Sears still lives at home almost 50 convicted of rape & child molestation in Florida & Honduras put a gun to your head and pull the trigger trust me no one will miss you...except Sears! Leave Ali alone asshole!
Say Ali does your weed smoking interfer with the crossfit & kick boxing?I bet you had a good time smoke with Adie after the country western music bullshit you did.You sure talk about weed alot for someone who doesnt do drugs.Maybe you're just a fucking lier about everything? The abortions you've had in the past in Pittsburgh & in L.A.the drugs youve done since you've been in L.A.Your sexual orientation and other shit you have covered up.What other lies have you told?.Don't worry the time is coming & your world will crumble soon due to your lies and deceit.
I heard she will talk to you or be nice to you if you give her money meaning Patreon or PayPal donations that's pretty fucked up.She only hangs out with her YouTube & workout fuck buddies and shits on everyone else she is a phoney cunt & someday someone is going to fuck her up to the point she will be wearing false teeth and walking with a limp. She has changed from the old days of being in Pittsburgh & California has really jaded her.I wonder who is fucking her tonight?
Sarah Croce is her usual lesbian lover. Sarah must love unshaved bush because if you see pics of Ali in a bikini her mound is always huge! Must be like the fucking Congo down there and probably smells like a combination of fish and urine.
Ali and Max "gf abuser" No Sleeves have some sort of shitty fitness show on You Tube now. Guess the Paetron money must be drying up. You can actually get HURT doing the routines they "teach" and Ali makes jokes how its easier to work out while drunk.
and to think Sarah Croce is face down on Ali's snatch all the time....BARF
I just figured it out that Alicia Dawn Spagnola is a paranoid schizophrenic and bisexual and by the looks of her mindless Spagschat yesterday shes at the end of her rope for ideas and whats the deal with that manifesto? She moved to West Hollywood after fucking everyone that lives there & went completely out of her fucking mind.Ali do us all a favor and kill yourself
So the latest news is that she has a new male fuck buddy named Shane who is some MMA fighter self defense fighting wont do any good against a handgun in long beach this thursday
Yum!!! I guess her Paly Manifesto or whatever she calls it got posted today Alu is so hard up for money shes scamming people again on Patreon while her fuck buddy Shane Fazen & his jock buddies and the Queen herself do a stupid video for the longest fight scene ever filmed Seriously?? Ali are you a stunt woman now? I saw,Shane sitting on the couch that time when you were on AirTime so the secret is out Too bad you got him involved now heehee
So how did the jacuzzi fuck party turn out last night in GLENDALE? What dick did you suck from one of those fat losers who were getting their jollies as soon as you mentioned you were getting in? If i give you money on Patreon would you get in a jacuzzi with me & suck me off? Probably not fucking weird whore.Im out on the street right now Hahaha!!! Just kidding but i know where you went.
Scratch that!!! Its Naked & Afraid!...why? what are trying to prove? That you can die soon? And what gets me you were such in an uproar in 2014 about a guy making a comment about doing nudes and here you are in 2017 in naked & affraid with a bunch of camera dudes gawking at you.Why is it its ok for them to see you nude but we the tv viewer cant? Fuck you you damn hypocrite & Im going to stop giving you money on Patreon & I hope you die out there in the jungle
Wow I can see you have garnered a bushel full of hate & sadly I can see why.You have forsaken God & his teachings & have lived a life of perverted sin.You need to come back to the light Alicia & go back home with your family.
Its funny as BOTH Ali & that Cory Williams have MEDICAL PROBLEMS the same week prior to leaving for Stupid & Perverted ohh maybe it was all that negative truth posted on youtube about adultry and Corys wife Kristen didnt like it so the plug was pulled a strange coincidence teehee teehee
We have a question,whats with the nude shit all the time? Whats wrong with you? Are you a creepy exhibitionist? Its really strange too that you have cut back on your spagschat especially at night & in the morning we wonder why all of a sudden? Secrets revealed?? Whats the big secret?
I truly hate you with every fiber of my existence as you are a self absorbed perverted nudie attention whore piece of human shit who lies cheats & hurts whoever she wants to but im going to tell you something cunt your time is coming along with everyone you know in cali and back home revenge is sweet and you and everyone you know will pay for the crimes committed you heartless souless thing
So i seen Ali walking on santa monica blvd about 2 hours ago looking for a sushi place and then tells everyone on snap that she will not show the snap stunt until after its edited and on youtube as her fuck buddy will be with her tonight whoever that is which means loverboy or lovergirl will be a mystery what a lying bitch
Ali was all over snapchat last night at a lesbian cabaret bar with her dyke friends, she has been wearing nothing but a sports bra for a few days. she was on snapchat feeling up another dykes tits and its painfully obvious to even a retard that Ali is a clam rubbing labia licking dyke,
I wonder why she doesn't snap it? Funny as she snaps everything else maybe it's another casting couch audition for Discovery Channel new show Im An Internet Whore Named Ali & I Get Naked lol
You want to know whats really funny? Idiots like Justin Warren Megan Kimball and that little queer from Canada Anthony are giving this bitch money on Patreon & getting nothing out of it!Ali is taking that money and fucking Tinder dates & producers everyday & laughing about it! What a piece of work!
Hi Stephen P Signorelli! or @OfficialSMMC on Twitter! Still sellinh appliances at that Sears in Orlando? I heard Sears is closing up so you better get a job at Kmart and>oh wait they are closing too
I guess Ali is at the lesbian Palm Springs Dinah sleeping with her lezbo lovers on snapchat & taking showers with them only proves she's a tuna taco lover who pretends she likes guys.I hate her & I will never patron any company she pushes on her social media guilty of association you know
Start calling her the Pittsburgh Popcorn Dyke! She is the stupidest cunt I have ever seen! A grown woman who has to be atleast mid to late 30s who still acts like a kid! Grow the fuck up you spoiled little rich girl!
In palm springs again not snapping much 'cause lover is with her & doesn't want to scare off her patreon saps who support her deviant lifestyle heard she treats them like shit & rarely acknowledges them as SHE IS SO BUSY yeah right
She doesn't snap from that nice hotel room at all which makes me wonder whos with her as i seriously doubt she drove all the way from West Hollywood to Palm Springs by herself what's the BIG SECRET? Tell your SPAGHAGS THE TRUTH! and stop lying! Weve all known something is up since early this year
Ali is all butthurt because she didn't win a thing at the Vine Awards event. AHHAAHHAHA stupid dyke cunt was all bitchy with Max pedophile No Sleeves and whoever that butch bitch Ali is fucking.
Yes,you too can be an unemployed adult lightweight drinker that sleeps in a bunk bed and begs for money on the internet.I truly hope someone kills you as most of us here on earth hate you.
Looks like she was with some long faced dark haired guy on maxs snap that night as she tells him to drink his champagne girlfriend.she more than likely fucked that dude as she didnt snap until noon the next day.she will either be murdered by someone or gets aids if she doesnt have it already fuck her!
So bitch you didnt heed our warnings so now its payback & Joey your little jew producer is going to pay and the blood of jesus is on you too bad people you know are now going to suffer https://t.co/1EaqszPisu
I will bet anyone a dollar that since Ali had to vacate that hotel room in Anaheim because her rich buddy left shes shacking with her lover who has a 9 to 5 job and whos flipping the hotel room tonight and i bet she will not show the hotel room like she did with her rich friend as lover will be found out single my ass! She looked dressed up for a date awhile ago what a lier! I dont give 2 shits as she has stds but why lie?
Shes also losing her mind tonight shes going to some after parties for LoserCon with some douchebag named tim who she does not formally introduce nor does anyone know who the hell he is but she has so much brain damage from drinking all these years she forgets. Shes still a dyke and probs that is one of her 250 patreon assholes she carts around now pretending shes straight.
Instead of using the opportunity to lie on snapchat uh i mean explain you smoking in that stupid video use that opportunity to explain who the fuck is TIM? or does one of us have to pay you a visit tonight at number 9 near highway 2? face recognition devices & background checks do exist so stop lying to us! you fucking alcoholic chain smoking drug taking std infected abortion having skinny dipping no class talentless dirty human being! You suck & fuck you!
The answer to your question about this guy Tim is Tim Williams & for a price I can give you his address & other tidbits.We can both pay him a visit & then say hi to our best paly in weho
all this cunt does is live it up and lez it up on her Patreon money. you people that donate ot her every month are fools!!! someone needs to have ali arrested
I need to ask this question,what is WRONG with you? Do you normally change pants in someones kitchen with some weird dude as you called him on snapchat and at the end he shows you his George Bush? You know i mean & i caught that so censoring that on snap did no good? You really need to see a shrink as you are batshit crazy before someone does something bad to you and the cops find your raped and chopped up body parts in a plastic trash bag in the desert.
When I saw the news this morning the headline was "You Tube star kills herself in LA" and I was SO EXCITED....but then it turns out it was the talented Stevie Ryan and NOT Ali Spagnola.
Now this cunt is wearing an american flag bikini while having her fucking period apparently. fucking dis-respectful cuntrag I hope your AIDS goes full blown.
i heard her secret lovers name will be revealed on her livestream tomorrow by a viewer or so i was told thats why shes not snapping as much why the big secret? We know you are a dyke and also your lovers address & your address will be leaked by a viewer too so it should bw funny tomorrow at 3pm
Shes to busy getting piggy back rides from fucking bisexual subhuman niggers named Alex whos a bar tender at a WeHo bar called Flaming Saddles.You know what would be funny if someone not me of course,would go in there and hold that place up and do something bad to that nigger So Spags what do you think of people causing problems a harm to scumbags you know? I bet someone could do it & i will sit back and laugh & not lift a finger let that person get in trouble
ever notice in those pics and videos of Ali in her underwear that her vulva is HUGE..like she has a mound there that is either her hairy bush, a HUGE vulva, or a penis that she somehow grew.
I wonder if she has what Jamie Lee Curtis had as a child? She was born with a penis & vagina but the penis was removed by the doctors when she was young but Ali still has hers if thats true.
whatever the reason, her "mound" is always huge in the pics of her in her panties or underwear....she either has a LOT of hair, a cock, or a swollen vulva.
So where are you sleeping in Austin? Special bed fuck palys? No one cares but why must you hide it and lie bitch?this is the second time youve done this tho
Maybe she found a wizard with HIV like her? Im surprised she didn't skinny dip in one of those fountains as she normally takes her clothes off when she drinks such a perverse alcoholic. So who are you screwing Ali & we know you didn't go by yourself you have a great way of hiding people on your snaps thats why you dont show your hotel room
So everyone who donates money to this cunt is just paying for her to take trips and get drunk and fuck while everyone else goes to work at a job they hate. Real fucking nice.
Now shes going to a sumner camp for adults to do just that including oil wrestling and now she claims no internet service for 3 days at Camp Fuckoff Whore.Now would be a great time to UNSUBSCRIBE to all her sites including Youtube channel & her Patreon and her Twitter,her Instagram & Facebook page and I think she got busted on a DUI awhile back thats why shes doing all this Charity stuff lately.Community Service Duty lol fucking drunk naked whore fuck you I will never support you again!
I love crazy fucks like this! I mean shes mentally ill no doubt about it,manic depressive or bipolar? and all her followers well most are just fucking wacked!
She must be experiencing spotty service as she claims.Must be experiencing hot oil wrestling sex service instead & doesnt want to show it.This charade baby is gonna blow up in your face & your world will come down.What a tangled web we weave once we practice to deceive,something to think about Ms.Spagnola.
Shes actually here https://www.lezathlon.com/ at Lake Hughes,California lol what I find so funny is that she thinks shes being sly by not saying officially where shes going but only in a round about way.We are on to you girlie or should I say dykey? This is the reason your Youtube is failing and so sad for a middle-aged woman to act,I truely feel sorry for you
did you see her oil wrestling snap? OMFG she was actually scissoring her opponent WTF!!! BTW ALi lost her match and got pinned. I swear watch the snap she is all scissoring the girl wrestling her while the girl is trying to stop her.
Go on the Instagram of Lezathlon & you'll see a photo of her lined up with the other dykes in the oil wrestling mat,left hand corner.They did good on hiding her on other posts but thats the only one shes in.Im going to go on Facebook & Twitter and post that screen shot & show all her straight guy fans what she really is,maybe someone will get mad & do something? She better change her ways or else I fear the worst may yet to come.She did it to herself fucking stupid middleaged millennial fucked up her career if you want to call it that.All because she wants to be a she faggot & what a waste:(
so all of these hurricanes and thousands suffering and now a bombing in London and this cunt just keeps getting drunk and being a fucking lesbian cunt on her Patreon supporters dime.
Shes down to about 271 patreons now so she lost over 30 within a week which should give an indication as to where her career is going.Her crappy livestreams are gone and barely Snapped over the weekend as she was with her lover as soon as she got off the plane at LAX on Friday. She was high as a kite sunday as her new lover is a cocaine addict I heard I guess thats where shes spending her money? Some one should call LA Vice on her & report her drug use & possible selling?
I wonder whos Alis 7 ft tall girlfriend she took to that booze cruise? Thats why there are no more bunk bed stories on Snap as shes clam bumping that dyke why dont you come out officially Ali & get this shit over with? Im sure you'll lose youtube subs & patreon people & followers mostly straight guys & 90% of your income.I wonder if someone hires a PI to follow you & uncovers the dirt officially? I would LMFAO!
Ali never reads this stuff. She never reads anything from her fans. Fuck, I follow her on Snap Chat and I am constantly sending her snap messages saying she is a dyke and a whore and she READS them but NEVER defriends me. She has some sort of mental illness or something besides being a lesbian cunt rag.
Shes with some bloke named Philip Drew Obaza & just went topless with her tiny tits at some gay booze party & took pictures this woman has no class at all not to mention no talent drunk.
Looks like some other guy but fuck that dirty whore I'm cutting off my patreon & my support & hope this bitch dies in a fire with this asshole! FUCK YOU ALI! Youre going to get what you deserve someday thats why you hardly snap anymore in the mornings & nights fucking lying bitch
Becky the kitty cat is not eager to show someone on snapchat tonight at this bar or the person holding the phone at the pet shop the other day. Whats the big secret SPAGS? Afraid people will fucking bail your patreon if they found out? Whars the little secret?
Hi Stephen P Signorelli! I see your Twitter handle @officialsmmc has been suspended oh this name & link is bogus like you honey so go sell some washers & dryers at Sears in Orlando
And the only sexual predator is you Steve & I know all about you being deported from Honduras with alligations of molestation of underage girls you were teaching English to.
So whats up with you and this Lauren Bulger? People have seen you kissing at Universal Studios Hollywood & have taken pictures! They are up on Twitter & other websites already so just waiting for the fallout & your implosion all because of Lauren Bulger the fat dog owner and that explains bodybuilding too all of a sudden!
I wonder why our lady Ali hasn't shown us her Valentines Day stunt? Maybe its because shes with Lauren Bulger SINGLE MY ASS BITCH! WHAT A FUCKING LIER!!!
Ali is such a lesbian that its totally out in the open now. for whatever reason she refuses to confirm it, but its there for the world to see...she likes eating hairy pussy!!!
awww is poor Lesbian Ali crying because people are calling her out finally for being a mannish looking flat chested lesbian cunt whore?
do the world a favor...punch your ticket to the afterlife.
so you fucked max nodick and sara crotchcunt in vegas?
u fucking whore.
Looks like Ali & Sarah went at it yesterday at the dykes in the park festival and was a rough night I bet all that clam bumping on labor day but no babies for them two lezzys
I think Ali is transitioning into a man
Hahaha with all that crossfit and running and kick boxing that tiny penis she's growing between her legs will be ready in no time!according to Tyler Stafford at The Omlett.He saw alot in Cancun and took video of her naked.
Its either a penis or she has a VERY hairy bush!
Yesterday was National Coming Out Day so why didn't Ali come out of the closet? Answer,she'd lose all that Youtube cash,Patreon dough & PayPal money only her little lezbo scum admirers including the fat & ugly Megan Kimball and that pancake face ugly limey British scum Whitney will still be giving her money.Ali can't use the Steven Max Weisz fake relationship thing anymore Cuz he is boning Britney Marsisik so it was all a publicity stunt to blow the fact off Ali is a dyke.Fuck you Ali.
Oh yeah must be something to these stories as Ali is in San Fran-dykes-co with that other lesbian Stevie Boebi.Have you noticed they dont snap much Im sure there was clam bumping galore since they've been there & sleeping in the same bed.Come on Miss Spagnola stop with the bullshit & tell everyone who & what you are.
Heard she has a lesbian assistant named Anne or something now.Why does she need one? I think Ali can handle her stupidity by herself.
Zero fucks given to you & the delusions of grandeur you have about red carpets and fake Hollywood life style.You sleep in a bunk bed in a crappy apartment and if you are soooo financially well off how come your own mother supports you on Patreon as a high donor that barely handles the monthly bills?.If you hate your fans so much disappear from social media as apparently you don't give a fuck about what they have to say to you .
You are such a joke really? You need an "assistant"??? Is that the little lesbian butch named Anne that now controls your Free Paintings twitter account or is it a bot that forwards all your Instagram posts?.Youve changed and you suck & I hope you die in a plane crash or get hit on your bike one of these nights by an illegal alien from mexico.
Ali doesnt even read this shit anymore. she is so insulated from the real world that she doesnt even merit mentioning. all she does is live off handouts while eating as much pussy as she can. and she never shaves her clammy smelly urine filled pussy either.
I guess shes drunk texting everyone or atleast telling people on twitter i wonder why shes not snapping like she normally does? Maybe she doesn't want any of us to see who shes with probably at The Abby again shes bisexual you know and she has aids or hiv pos.from what ive heard
You want to know whats a real joke is that Sears appliance salesman from Leesburg Florida Steven P.Signorelli has a Twitter handle @officialsmmc and is harassing Ali.Hes pushing his Amazon book Social Media Murder Corp and theres a link on the header.Report that account to Twitter.
lesbian cunt
nigger fucker
menstruating whore
flat chested bull dyke
maxi pad sucking clam eater
hairy bushed alcoholic whore bitch
Hi Steve ya fat inverted penis loser works at Sears still lives at home almost 50 convicted of rape & child molestation in Florida & Honduras put a gun to your head and pull the trigger trust me no one will miss you...except Sears! Leave Ali alone asshole!
Wow Steve you said nigger 6 times under 2 minutes impressive!
Say Ali does your weed smoking interfer with the crossfit & kick boxing?I bet you had a good time smoke with Adie after the country western music bullshit you did.You sure talk about weed alot for someone who doesnt do drugs.Maybe you're just a fucking lier about everything? The abortions you've had in the past in Pittsburgh & in L.A.the drugs youve done since you've been in L.A.Your sexual orientation and other shit you have covered up.What other lies have you told?.Don't worry the time is coming & your world will crumble soon due to your lies and deceit.
Ali is a menstruating tard cunt who dances for puppets
there are nudes of ali out there if you cant stand seeing her unshaved vagina.
Ali had her ass licked apparently. She was bragging about someone tossing her salad on her SnapChat.
Was probably Sarah Croce.
I heard she will talk to you or be nice to you if you give her money meaning Patreon or PayPal donations that's pretty fucked up.She only hangs out with her YouTube & workout fuck buddies and shits on everyone else she is a phoney cunt & someday someone is going to fuck her up to the point she will be wearing false teeth and walking with a limp. She has changed from the old days of being in Pittsburgh & California has really jaded her.I wonder who is fucking her tonight?
Sarah Croce is her usual lesbian lover. Sarah must love unshaved bush because if you see pics of Ali in a bikini her mound is always huge! Must be like the fucking Congo down there and probably smells like a combination of fish and urine.
Why does Ali always brag about her being on her period in her Snap Chats? Sick freaking pervert.
Wow I heard shes having an industry & fuck buddy ONLY warehouse party tonight & bet its all for free i wonder how much coke Ali snorted today?
Ali and Max "gf abuser" No Sleeves have some sort of shitty fitness show on You Tube now. Guess the Paetron money must be drying up. You can actually get HURT doing the routines they "teach" and Ali makes jokes how its easier to work out while drunk.
and to think Sarah Croce is face down on Ali's snatch all the time....BARF
I just figured it out that Alicia Dawn Spagnola is a paranoid schizophrenic and bisexual and by the looks of her mindless Spagschat yesterday shes at the end of her rope for ideas and whats the deal with that manifesto? She moved to West Hollywood after fucking everyone that lives there & went completely out of her fucking mind.Ali do us all a favor and kill yourself
She also did an upskirt photoshoot...I have no idea who would want to see up her skirt other than Sarah Croce but there ya go.
Proof? Link? Bullshit!
she gave a preview of it on her Snapchat.
Bullshit Steve4nj
So the latest news is that she has a new male fuck buddy named Shane who is some MMA fighter self defense fighting wont do any good against a handgun in long beach this thursday
on shapchat she is celebrating MLK Day by "wearing black and white and hanging out on MLK blvd"
what a racist POS
Or even make her and her kick boxing fuck buddies dress as circus clowns and at gun point force them to fuck each other until they shit themselves
Ali was snap chatting in her underwear last night and you could see her maxi pad plain as day
Yum!!! I guess her Paly Manifesto or whatever she calls it got posted today Alu is so hard up for money shes scamming people again on Patreon while her fuck buddy Shane Fazen & his jock buddies and the Queen herself do a stupid video for the longest fight scene ever filmed Seriously?? Ali are you a stunt woman now? I saw,Shane sitting on the couch that time when you were on AirTime so the secret is out Too bad you got him involved now heehee
her fuck buddy Shane broke her fucking nose during their "shoot" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
She bleeding all over Snapchat and her nose is swollen LOLOLOL
hopefully she gets a clot and it goes to her brain and kills her
So how did the jacuzzi fuck party turn out last night in GLENDALE? What dick did you suck from one of those fat losers who were getting their jollies as soon as you mentioned you were getting in? If i give you money on Patreon would you get in a jacuzzi with me & suck me off? Probably not fucking weird whore.Im out on the street right now Hahaha!!! Just kidding but i know where you went.
I think she was clam rubbing with that bitch in the bikini that she was hanging with all day.
And how i know you were in glendale is that i am a youtuber and i recognized that shithole as ive been there
Scratch that!!! Its Naked & Afraid!...why? what are trying to prove? That you can die soon? And what gets me you were such in an uproar in 2014 about a guy making a comment about doing nudes and here you are in 2017 in naked & affraid with a bunch of camera dudes gawking at you.Why is it its ok for them to see you nude but we the tv viewer cant? Fuck you you damn hypocrite & Im going to stop giving you money on Patreon & I hope you die out there in the jungle
I dont think Ali will make it to the show after some of us let FOX know about her racist Twitter and Snapchats.....
Wow I can see you have garnered a bushel full of hate & sadly I can see why.You have forsaken God & his teachings & have lived a life of perverted sin.You need to come back to the light Alicia & go back home with your family.
Its funny as BOTH Ali & that Cory Williams have MEDICAL PROBLEMS the same week prior to leaving for Stupid & Perverted ohh maybe it was all that negative truth posted on youtube about adultry and Corys wife Kristen didnt like it so the plug was pulled a strange coincidence teehee teehee
So whos the mystery date at the youtube space? Male or female?
We have a question,whats with the nude shit all the time? Whats wrong with you? Are you a creepy exhibitionist? Its really strange too that you have cut back on your spagschat especially at night & in the morning we wonder why all of a sudden? Secrets revealed?? Whats the big secret?
I truly hate you with every fiber of my existence as you are a self absorbed perverted nudie attention whore piece of human shit who lies cheats & hurts whoever she wants to but im going to tell you something cunt your time is coming along with everyone you know in cali and back home revenge is sweet and you and everyone you know will pay for the crimes committed you heartless souless thing
So i seen Ali walking on santa monica blvd about 2 hours ago looking for a sushi place and then tells everyone on snap that she will not show the snap stunt until after its edited and on youtube as her fuck buddy will be with her tonight whoever that is which means loverboy or lovergirl will be a mystery what a lying bitch
Too bad Chad P.Lieske & Tyler Stafford are going to be dealt with because of you it will be painful & hideous this is not a joke
Ali was all over snapchat last night at a lesbian cabaret bar with her dyke friends, she has been wearing nothing but a sports bra for a few days. she was on snapchat feeling up another dykes tits and its painfully obvious to even a retard that Ali is a clam rubbing labia licking dyke,
So hows your afternoon Tinder date going? It looked like you were having a great time Im still outside waiting & following teehee
I wonder why she doesn't snap it? Funny as she snaps everything else maybe it's another casting couch audition for Discovery Channel new show Im An Internet Whore Named Ali & I Get Naked lol
You want to know whats really funny? Idiots like Justin Warren Megan Kimball and that little queer from Canada Anthony are giving this bitch money on Patreon & getting nothing out of it!Ali is taking that money and fucking Tinder dates & producers everyday & laughing about it! What a piece of work!
Your world is going to come crashing down so hard you & your loved ones will never recover you are going to pay for what you have done pal-y
theres nothing in that gallery. is it the long rumored nudes of Ali? or the lesbian kiss ones she denied were of her and Sarah Croce?
All of the above & they were taken down as of today
Hi Stephen P Signorelli! or @OfficialSMMC on Twitter! Still sellinh appliances at that Sears in Orlando? I heard Sears is closing up so you better get a job at Kmart and>oh wait they are closing too
nig nog nigger
menstruating nigger fucker
1488 gas the kikes race war now
niggity nig nig nig
Hi Steve i love you!
You are a fucking idiot. Why do you hate Ali so muck? Because sue won't be with you?
Ali is a scam artist who lives off peoples donations to fund her deviant obnoxious lifestyle.
If you hate her so much just kill her then lol
I guess Ali is at the lesbian Palm Springs Dinah sleeping with her lezbo lovers on snapchat & taking showers with them only proves she's a tuna taco lover who pretends she likes guys.I hate her & I will never patron any company she pushes on her social media guilty of association you know
You fuckn indiot bad monkey you i hate her muck cause she fuck duck with muck so suck a camel cuck with sue?
Start calling her the Pittsburgh Popcorn Dyke! She is the stupidest cunt I have ever seen! A grown woman who has to be atleast mid to late 30s who still acts like a kid! Grow the fuck up you spoiled little rich girl!
so what has the lesbian cunt been up to lately?
In palm springs again not snapping much 'cause lover is with her & doesn't want to scare off her patreon saps who support her deviant lifestyle heard she treats them like shit & rarely acknowledges them as SHE IS SO BUSY yeah right
She doesn't snap from that nice hotel room at all which makes me wonder whos with her as i seriously doubt she drove all the way from West Hollywood to Palm Springs by herself what's the BIG SECRET? Tell your SPAGHAGS THE TRUTH! and stop lying! Weve all known something is up since early this year
Ali is all butthurt because she didn't win a thing at the Vine Awards event. AHHAAHHAHA stupid dyke cunt was all bitchy with Max pedophile No Sleeves and whoever that butch bitch Ali is fucking.
Yes,you too can be an unemployed adult lightweight drinker that sleeps in a bunk bed and begs for money on the internet.I truly hope someone kills you as most of us here on earth hate you.
Looks like she was with some long faced dark haired guy on maxs snap that night as she tells him to drink his champagne girlfriend.she more than likely fucked that dude as she didnt snap until noon the next day.she will either be murdered by someone or gets aids if she doesnt have it already fuck her!
Her the hate i fuck she hard no ugh lesbian aids she die soon
So bitch you didnt heed our warnings so now its payback & Joey your little jew producer is going to pay and the blood of jesus is on you too bad people you know are now going to suffer https://t.co/1EaqszPisu
stupid lesbian whore living it up on her stupid fans donations. eating pussy and getting drunk on THEIR dime. fucking scam artist.
I will bet anyone a dollar that since Ali had to vacate that hotel room in Anaheim because her rich buddy left shes shacking with her lover who has a 9 to 5 job and whos flipping the hotel room tonight and i bet she will not show the hotel room like she did with her rich friend as lover will be found out single my ass! She looked dressed up for a date awhile ago what a lier! I dont give 2 shits as she has stds but why lie?
Ali's time of fame is almost up. She is getting older and is losing subs and supporters, who are going for fresher YOUNGER more talented lesbians.
Shes also losing her mind tonight shes going to some after parties for LoserCon with some douchebag named tim who she does not formally introduce nor does anyone know who the hell he is but she has so much brain damage from drinking all these years she forgets. Shes still a dyke and probs that is one of her 250 patreon assholes she carts around now pretending shes straight.
Instead of using the opportunity to lie on snapchat uh i mean explain you smoking in that stupid video use that opportunity to explain who the fuck is TIM? or does one of us have to pay you a visit tonight at number 9 near highway 2? face recognition devices & background checks do exist so stop lying to us! you fucking alcoholic chain smoking drug taking std infected abortion having skinny dipping no class talentless dirty human being! You suck & fuck you!
The answer to your question about this guy Tim is Tim Williams & for a price I can give you his address & other tidbits.We can both pay him a visit & then say hi to our best paly in weho
that is the reason for no snapchat after a certain time & no more late Facebook livestreams and no more bed chats.
Ali is nearing the end of her fame. People have caught on to her scam and she is losing donations rapidly.
all this cunt does is live it up and lez it up on her Patreon money. you people that donate ot her every month are fools!!! someone needs to have ali arrested
I need to ask this question,what is WRONG with you? Do you normally change pants in someones kitchen with some weird dude as you called him on snapchat and at the end he shows you his George Bush? You know i mean & i caught that so censoring that on snap did no good? You really need to see a shrink as you are batshit crazy before someone does something bad to you and the cops find your raped and chopped up body parts in a plastic trash bag in the desert.
Maybe if someone did something to her mom Cheryl like really bad it might wake this drunk shittard up? Just saying
When I saw the news this morning the headline was "You Tube star kills herself in LA" and I was SO EXCITED....but then it turns out it was the talented Stevie Ryan and NOT Ali Spagnola.
Now my day is ruined.
Now this cunt is wearing an american flag bikini while having her fucking period apparently. fucking dis-respectful cuntrag I hope your AIDS goes full blown.
Both sucked so one down one to go
She is not showing us much its a pool fuck party at a 'friwnds'house a fuck friend she is not too enthusiastic to show
i heard her secret lovers name will be revealed on her livestream tomorrow by a viewer or so i was told thats why shes not snapping as much why the big secret? We know you are a dyke and also your lovers address & your address will be leaked by a viewer too so it should bw funny tomorrow at 3pm
I paid someone on reddit .001 bitcoins to not only dox Ali, but to break into her icloud and social media. Soon I will have all her info and nudes.
fucking drunk menstruating cuntrag
So Steve Signorelli do you have her info and nudes? I say bull shit on you Sears man
in other news, Max NoSleeves is a pedophile
Shes to busy getting piggy back rides from fucking bisexual subhuman niggers named Alex whos a bar tender at a WeHo bar called Flaming Saddles.You know what would be funny if someone not me of course,would go in there and hold that place up and do something bad to that nigger So Spags what do you think of people causing problems a harm to scumbags you know? I bet someone could do it & i will sit back and laugh & not lift a finger let that person get in trouble
ever notice in those pics and videos of Ali in her underwear that her vulva is HUGE..like she has a mound there that is either her hairy bush, a HUGE vulva, or a penis that she somehow grew.
I wonder if she has what Jamie Lee Curtis had as a child? She was born with a penis & vagina but the penis was removed by the doctors when she was young but Ali still has hers if thats true.
whatever the reason, her "mound" is always huge in the pics of her in her panties or underwear....she either has a LOT of hair, a cock, or a swollen vulva.
drunken lesbian whore
So where are you sleeping in Austin? Special bed fuck palys? No one cares but why must you hide it and lie bitch?this is the second time youve done this tho
Maybe she found a wizard with HIV like her? Im surprised she didn't skinny dip in one of those fountains as she normally takes her clothes off when she drinks such a perverse alcoholic. So who are you screwing Ali & we know you didn't go by yourself you have a great way of hiding people on your snaps thats why you dont show your hotel room
So everyone who donates money to this cunt is just paying for her to take trips and get drunk and fuck while everyone else goes to work at a job they hate. Real fucking nice.
Now shes going to a sumner camp for adults to do just that including oil wrestling and now she claims no internet service for 3 days at Camp Fuckoff Whore.Now would be a great time to UNSUBSCRIBE to all her sites including Youtube channel & her Patreon and her Twitter,her Instagram & Facebook page and I think she got busted on a DUI awhile back thats why shes doing all this Charity stuff lately.Community Service Duty lol fucking drunk naked whore fuck you I will never support you again!
I love crazy fucks like this! I mean shes mentally ill no doubt about it,manic depressive or bipolar? and all her followers well most are just fucking wacked!
Have y'all heard of Camp Snoopy? Well shes at Camp Lezzy this weekend in Simi Valley.We should all show up there?
She must be experiencing spotty service as she claims.Must be experiencing hot oil wrestling sex service instead & doesnt want to show it.This charade baby is gonna blow up in your face & your world will come down.What a tangled web we weave once we practice to deceive,something to think about Ms.Spagnola.
Shes actually here https://www.lezathlon.com/ at Lake Hughes,California lol what I find so funny is that she thinks shes being sly by not saying officially where shes going but only in a round about way.We are on to you girlie or should I say dykey? This is the reason your Youtube is failing and so sad for a middle-aged woman to act,I truely feel sorry for you
did you see her oil wrestling snap? OMFG she was actually scissoring her opponent WTF!!! BTW ALi lost her match and got pinned. I swear watch the snap she is all scissoring the girl wrestling her while the girl is trying to stop her.
Go on the Instagram of Lezathlon & you'll see a photo of her lined up with the other dykes in the oil wrestling mat,left hand corner.They did good on hiding her on other posts but thats the only one shes in.Im going to go on Facebook & Twitter and post that screen shot & show all her straight guy fans what she really is,maybe someone will get mad & do something? She better change her ways or else I fear the worst may yet to come.She did it to herself fucking stupid middleaged millennial fucked up her career if you want to call it that.All because she wants to be a she faggot & what a waste:(
so all of these hurricanes and thousands suffering and now a bombing in London and this cunt just keeps getting drunk and being a fucking lesbian cunt on her Patreon supporters dime.
i fucking hate this racist dyke cunt.
Shes down to about 271 patreons now so she lost over 30 within a week which should give an indication as to where her career is going.Her crappy livestreams are gone and barely Snapped over the weekend as she was with her lover as soon as she got off the plane at LAX on Friday. She was high as a kite sunday as her new lover is a cocaine addict I heard I guess thats where shes spending her money? Some one should call LA Vice on her & report her drug use & possible selling?
why dont YOU fucking report her instead of always trying to get someone else to do it u fucking nigger.
How about you Steven Peter Signorelli? The Sears Appliance Salesman? And wannabe author of worthless shit?
I wonder whos Alis 7 ft tall girlfriend she took to that booze cruise? Thats why there are no more bunk bed stories on Snap as shes clam bumping that dyke why dont you come out officially Ali & get this shit over with? Im sure you'll lose youtube subs & patreon people & followers mostly straight guys & 90% of your income.I wonder if someone hires a PI to follow you & uncovers the dirt officially? I would LMFAO!
Ali never reads this stuff. She never reads anything from her fans. Fuck, I follow her on Snap Chat and I am constantly sending her snap messages saying she is a dyke and a whore and she READS them but NEVER defriends me. She has some sort of mental illness or something besides being a lesbian cunt rag.
I am sick of this cunt and her lesbian gf running around with onesies on that have their own goddamn faces airbrushed on them.
Shes with some bloke named Philip Drew Obaza & just went topless with her tiny tits at some gay booze party & took pictures this woman has no class at all not to mention no talent drunk.
Looks like some other guy but fuck that dirty whore I'm cutting off my patreon & my support & hope this bitch dies in a fire with this asshole! FUCK YOU ALI! Youre going to get what you deserve someday thats why you hardly snap anymore in the mornings & nights fucking lying bitch
why is Ali having a relationship with this 18 year old girl?
Ali is fucking an 18 year old girl named Rebakah Clow!?!?!??!...WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER!?!?!?!?
Becky the kitty cat is not eager to show someone on snapchat tonight at this bar or the person holding the phone at the pet shop the other day. Whats the big secret SPAGS? Afraid people will fucking bail your patreon if they found out? Whars the little secret?
Ali has been seeing this girl, who is only 18:
ok so WHY isn't everyone slamming Ali for sleeping with an 18 year old girl!?!?!?
Hi Stephen P Signorelli! I see your Twitter handle @officialsmmc has been suspended oh this name & link is bogus like you honey so go sell some washers & dryers at Sears in Orlando
still nothing from Ali regarding that 18 year old girl she is fucking
it seems Ali was with that girl since she was 17 which makes Ali a sexual predator.
Time to contact the LA Police.
More like time to contact the Leesburg Florida police huh Steve Signorelli? Story is bogus
And the only sexual predator is you Steve & I know all about you being deported from Honduras with alligations of molestation of underage girls you were teaching English to.
does robbie like niggers?
fa fa farva
maxi pad ali
Awww poor dyke cunt Ali has a broken rib...probably from too much lesbo action with her 18 year old child lover
what a menstruating whore
18 is legal age Steve Signorelli we know its you commenting the past 3 years on this old page.
why does this bitch have to snap in her panties? no one wants to see her hairy bush and maxi pad...wtf you skank!!!
So whats up with you and this Lauren Bulger? People have seen you kissing at Universal Studios Hollywood & have taken pictures! They are up on Twitter & other websites already so just waiting for the fallout & your implosion all because of Lauren Bulger the fat dog owner and that explains bodybuilding too all of a sudden!
if thats true point us in the right direction for the links to the pics.....
So why is this alcoholic lesbian in NYC with her girlfriend? West Hollywood getting too hot? Apartment hunting with boo? Not too eager to say?
so a Muslim scumbag just tried to blow up Port Authority in NYC
DAMMIT he failed! there was a chance he could have killed Ali and her butch dyke lover
maybe next time
why are you constantly snap chatting with your legs spread? are you airing out your fish smelling taco salad?
I bet any paly a dollar that lauren bulger is in pittsburgh with ali for 10 clam dancing days
Ali was Snap Chatting herself in her bra and skimpy period panties in the fucking snow. hopefully she gets pneumonia and dies.
I wonder why our lady Ali hasn't shown us her Valentines Day stunt? Maybe its because shes with Lauren Bulger SINGLE MY ASS BITCH! WHAT A FUCKING LIER!!!
every snap of her in her panties her mound is fucking huge. like she doesnt shave at all or her vagina is swollen from some disease.
I bet the owner of that white Jeep this afternoon wont sniff too much,pup? I know as I was behind you
So when did Craig Sherwood move out? & Lauren Bulger moved in this past week? Explains the bear room
Ali is such a lesbian that its totally out in the open now. for whatever reason she refuses to confirm it, but its there for the world to see...she likes eating hairy pussy!!!
while good people are celebrating Easter, Ali is at some dyke event having lesbian sex with her cunt eating friends all over Snapchat.
all u carpet munchers are going to burn in hell!!!!
Ali almost posted a vag pic on her snapchat the other day.
^ what the fuck is wrong with you, dude.
wtf is wrong with YOU you aids infected fag?
Ali is fucking Max no Sleeves 3 inch cock this week because Sarah Croce is on her period.
Hey Steve, go fuck yourself you useless sack of shit. Do us a favor, find the nearest woodchipper and junp in, head first.
drunk whore dyke Ali is with your drug using mom now
do you even read this anymore you cunt licking lesbian piece of shit?
I call bullshit if U don't have pics or link
this fucking cunt whore dyke doesnt even read this anymore since she raped that 15 year old girl
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