i gave it a pacifier to communicate the baby part of it. plus i used "it's a boy!" blue and "it's a girl!" pink. i guess you could say the bee has "we're not sure!" yellow.
i was asked by a girl to paint two moose in love to represent her and her boyfriend. i just now realized that i actually painted a gay male couple because female moose don't have antlers. oops.
here's another self absorbed painting like the previous ram rooster. a guy requested his sun sign, moon sign, and ascendant sign to be immortalized in an artwork. if my requesters aren't busy loving their pets, they're loving themselves.
i didn't know it was possible to have that many zodiac signs so i had to look it up. the sun sign rules your individuality, the moon sign rules your personality and the ascendant sign sign dictates your outer appearance and mannerisms. (note: the views expressed in the previous sentence are those of the special type of people that are enthralled with the zodiac and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, the views of the blog author) anyway, now i'll have a whole lecture to give when someone uses that famous pickup line.
this weekend is Spring Carnival!! it's like CMU's homecoming. that means a ton of my friends from college will be in town for some celebrating! i can't celebrate and paint at the same time so i won't be posting. i mean i guess i could paint and celebrate at the same time but both the celebration and the painting would come out subpar...partying wins! Be back next week!
another monster request! crazy because i went for so long never getting one and then there were two right in a row. this request was a little more specific. she wanted "a made-up monster standing on its back legs. It must have a fat belly, a big grin, and a mischievous look on its face." she called it "Specimen 1: The Meh Meh".
i may have switched around a couple posts to make sure this lamb was posted today. happy easter! my grandma cooked one of these today, actually. haha way to ruin an adorable paiting by referencing killing and eating the subject.
the request was just for a penguin but i wanted to change it up this time so i gave him an outfit. and everyone knows penguins always overdress. except for Tacky the Penguin. that's one of my favorite children's books. great story and illustrations.
surprisingly, this is the first generic monster request i've ever gotten. i enjoyed the freedom i had for the character design since the requester said to paint a monster, "any sort you want". though he did say "could you please make it cute and at the same time slightly horrifying." i think i failed at the horrifying part. i guess it would be horrifying to come across this guy in real life. as long as he wasn't only 3 inches tall or something. then he'd be back to cute again. but those teeth and fangs would be slightly intimidating, right? i think i'm stretching it. as a painting...it's far from inducing horror.
this is for a gal with the nickname the candy queen. i hesitated to put candy corn and candy canes on there because they are symbols of halloween and christmas respectively but i figured it's ok because candy is good year round.
this request is going to a physics grad student that works with lasers. it was pretty rough trying to depict a laser let alone make it look cool. could be mistaken for a lightsaber?
i forgot to post during the week again. i need to get a system that reminds me. maybe i could put my blog as my homepage. if anyone saw that it would come off pretty sad.
well it just so happens that i got two cat portrait requests (with a plethora of photo references) in a row. so these two felines get to be posted together.
according to it's owner, this cat is "pretty ugly and really fat". of all the photos she sent, i tried to choose the cutest one for reference (shown first). then i tried to up the cuteness on that one. this resulted in a somewhat accurate, adorable cat painting.
below is the photo reference for this painting. he just looks so big (and disgruntled about it) that i had to make him barely fit in the canvas.
this cat is not actually that fat. below are not "after" photos for a cat diet. it's just that the photo i chose to use is unflattering. well actually, i don't know about cat culture. maybe fat is fashionable for cats and i did this guy a favor by painting him so attractively.