normally i use a black outline with a white stroke around it. i wanted this forest painting to be monochromatic so i gave the outline and stroke a slight green hue. if these were pine trees this would have made a good gift wrap pattern.
all the holiday excitement made me forget to post. here are yesterday's and today's. not in that order.
quacking, not stirred.
i dunno why but the requester wanted a superhero character with a dark red omega on his chest. if the alpha male is the highest ranked, this superhero must not be very super.
happy holidays! this series is what i gave my mom for christmas. she has some artwork of mine in her house and for christmas she likes to put santa hats on them. i told her it was lame and insulting to my precious artwork to turn it into christmas decorations. she told me i was lame. so this year i gave her some paintings and accessories to decorate them all she wanted.
maybe next year the tree will get a santa hat and the snowman will grow antlers.
i've got four giraffes to post today! this is purely coincidence. one is today's free painting and the other three are a commissioned series i just finished.
i just redesigned my MySpace profile to match my new music website. i've also...(drum roll please)...officially changed my genre from "Pop/Acoustic/Rock" to "Pop/Club/Electro". how exciting! check out my profile to hear a sample of this momentous change. i've uploaded three new songs that will be available soon when my newest album, The Ego, is released.
this is a last minute christmas present commission i just finished. on Dec. 17th i was asked to paint this house before the holiday. i'm happy to help someone that put off her holiday shopping. especially since i haven't started mine yet.
this guy wanted a painting for his production company. he said he didn't have a logo and wanted something to represent 3D motion graphics and "go forth/forward thinking". i hesitated to paint this one because logo design and reproduction rights are much different than asking for a free painting. but since the request was ambiguous and he didn't actually say he wanted it to use repeatedly as a logo, i didn't say no and tell him my logo design price haha. oh no, now this is going to inspire other people to ambiguously request free logos.
this painting is for mason from his mom. mason likes his mom and race cars. aha! based on this information i have deduced that mason likes palindromes.
i can't think of anything i want to say about this painting. normally i would put time and effort into coming up with something interesting but it's my birthday and i don't wanna. so yeah. here it is. i'm going to have cake.
this is the retro version of the pens logo. actually, this one seems like the updated version to me because i remember it was the new design in the 90s. the one they use now is the retro throwback.
this betta actually goes with the koala before it as a two painting commission. i wouldn't have thought put a fish and a marsupial together but my patron was happy!
i've returned from LA. i spent the weekend at The Mastering Lab and checking out the city. it was quite awesome. i'm one step closer to releasing The Ego. i've also just launched a new design for my music site. you can hear a preview of three tracks from the album!
i won't be posting until later next week because i'm leaving tomorrow for LA. i'm going there to finish mixing my 4th album! (cover preview here!!) it's all written and recorded so now i just need some professionals to help me out with the final mix and mastering. look for the album release early 2010!!
we all know the real star of this painting is that adorable eucalyptus tree.
sorry i'm late posting this. i think it was a subconscious move because i'm really proud of finishing my 1000th painting and i wanted to keep it at the top of my blog as long as possible.
WOO!! this is free painting number ONE THOUSAND! i have painted 1,000 square feet of art. i decided to choose the subject myself for this one :) it's currently hanging on my wall.
darn it. i'm 14 minutes late posting this. i blame this subject of the painting for taking all my time and attention so i forgot.
the requester wanted a computer with a graph vaguely like the one below. i do believe it has something to do with pharmaceutical research....based on my research. which involved googling the words and letters within the graph.
this is for a girl that told me she likes dinosaurs and balloons. i wonder if dinosaurs would have liked balloons. i bet balloons would be scared of dinosaurs.
in my hometown there is a restaurant called The Hot Dog Shoppe. my friends feel it must be pronounced "shop-ay" and that the extra "e" makes it classy. it must be the same for John Deere.
no this post is not about a third vegas painting. it's about my third trip to vegas. my mom and i go there on vacation the same time every year. this tradition has gone on for two whole years sofar. so as it was a year ago and a year before that, i shan't be painting for a bit. be back next week!
isn't the "air" in "airplane" redundant? is there a "landplane" from which we need to distinguish this vehicle? perhaps a "seaplane"? or "spaceplane"? crap, now i'm going to get requests to paint a landplane.
crap again. i just googled seaplane because it didn't show up as a typo. and they exist. so do floatplanes aka hydroplanes. and flying boats!
the requester that asked for this said he wanted a rusty chainsaw but, "please don't put it on a log or cutting down a tree, as much as I like the image I don't want to endorse deforestation, just the actual tool would be great." haha pretty great.
the girl that requested this one never got back to me even though i emailed her twice to say her painting was done. lame. i'm usually ok with that happening if the painting is something generic like an animal. this subject, however, does not lend itself to be given to someone else.